Are you intimidated by the path? Do you have extracurriculars that make school extra hard to deal with? Have upperclassmen ever given you the shivers? Do your parents say freshman year is the time to focus on college? You are not alone! As two GA Upper Schoolers that just finished our freshman year, we are full of helpful info on the top four freshman fears to help you have a strong start to your first year of high school
The Path
I remember when I first heard about the path I was freaked out. Walking for five to eight minutes with all of these people I didn’t know sounded pretty intimidating, especially if my friends weren’t with me! Luckily, we get our schedules before school even starts, so what I like to do is compare my schedule to all of my friends’ to see when I can walk with who. But there was this one class that none of my friends could walk with me to, so the panic began. However, as I learned from my first time walking the path ALONE, I realized three main things: (1) Five minutes of your day is really not that big of a deal; (2) everyone is just focused on getting to class, not on who is walking alone; and (3) seeing friends (even friends not in your grade) along the way is sometimes the best part of walking the path! If it still seems intimidating to walk the path, just put some music on—we promise it’s not as bad as you might think!
Balancing Work & Extracurriculars
The transition from 8th grade to freshman year can feel like an overwhelming amount of work at times. You may be thinking, How do I manage my outside-of-school sports and activities with the amount of work I have to complete?! In my own journey freshman year, I too encountered the difficulties of this challenge. Here are a couple of tricks that saved me: Start by mapping out your weeks, figuring out what upcoming assignments need to be completed and knowing when you have the time to study! Ever walked out of class, scratching your head, wondering if the teacher was speaking a different language? Biology was my personal head-scratcher! Well, here’s a tip: Don’t shy away from seeking help from that teacher. This tip is often overlooked by many students when it’s one of the most important ones! The magic of one-on-one attention can be a life-saver! Plus, hitting up extra help can rescue you from those dreaded moments, sitting at your desk at home, staring at the empty homework sheet that you have no idea how to complete. Trust me, we’ve ALL been there, some more than others (ahem, me!).
Upperclassmen & Sports
Trying out for sports teams is stressful and terrifying as it is, but when you have people that are 2-4 years older than you, it can get even more terrifying. Will the upperclassmen be mean? What if I make a mistake during a game or match and they are mad at me forever? First, the upperclassmen know and understand what you’re going through because they were underclassmen once, too. It’s super important to always be nice, approachable, and considerate as both under and upperclassmen. These are the qualities that help you have strong bonds with your teammates on and off the field, no matter the age! Although we’re focusing on sports teams and not academic classes, these tips also apply when you’re in a class with upperclassmen as an underclassmen (for example AP Computer Science). We talked to one GA upper schooler who was an underclassman on a varsity team last year and here’s the advice she wants to give to all of you: Always make sure you’re having fun and enjoying your sport first and foremost. Don’t be nervous and never compare your skill levels. Look up to your upperclassmen and don’t be embarrassed to ask for their help!
Future you: B-? OMG!!! Goodbye to my dream college, right? Wrong! Freshman year is all about figuring out what is best for you! You want to challenge yourself without pushing yourself too much! You will learn your best studying habits and your worst! It’s all trial and error. So instead of being crushed by your B-, set yourself up for success by taking it like a champ and learning from it! If you’re feeling down about your last quarter report card, first, join the club. Second, don’t stress about it too much! Focus on how you can boost those grades! Colleges love to see improvement, so let that be your spotlight!
Hopefully, now you are over or calmed about your fears and ready for your high school debut!