Songs of Fall

Hello! Chances are, you know I am a senior. As everyone knows, the beginning of senior year is no walk in the park. Although I knew this too, it somehow failed to sink in. If you see a red-headed zombie sulking in the language hallway, it’s probably me. However, something that I consider to be good about working hard is that you get to listen to more music. Even though I sometimes dread writing a paper or solving an equation, I do find joy in drinking tea and jamming out to my newest playlist while doing it. Call me crazy, but I even look forward to it. If you are interested in drinking tea (I recommend classic camomile) and jamming out to some new music, then here are some tunes for you.
“Colorado Girl” by Townes Van Zandt
This song evokes tears… truly. You can just hear the yearning in Van Zandt’s voice. “She bring the sun to shining / Tell the rain to fall.” What I love most about this song is its simplicity. Accompanied only by his guitar, Townes Van Zandt can perfectly express the sadness of losing a lover. It also reminds me of the simplicity of the outdoors, and the importance of focusing on the pure and authentic things in life. In the midst of senior fall chaos, this song is an asset for me. I hope it can be one for you, too.
“It’s Not Just Me, It’s Everybody” by Weyes Blood
When female artist Weyes Blood came out of hiding this September after a three-year hiatus, I freaked. Seriously. To me, her voice is up there with the Norah Joneses and Joni Mitchells—it has that deep, soulful tone that just pulls you in. Within the first 20 seconds of this song, you can recognize that it’s truly beautiful. I highly recommend you listen to it with headphones. It’s a religious experience.
“Hive” by Cryogeyser
I have had this song in my back pocket for a while now. Cyrogeyser, a group originating in L.A, is an indie/alternative trio that experiments with genres like dreampop, shoegaze, and more*. What I like most about them is their use of distortion and reverb in their music. Although very present, it is never overbearing—instead, it is calm and even soothing. This song is a perfect example. In fact, their whole album Love Is Land is great. Give it a listen.
“Just Can’t Get Enough” by Channel Tres
As mentioned in my other articles, house music has been a favorite genre of mine for a while now. The hold it has over me is significant—it can get me dancing pretty much instantly. “Just Can’t Get Enough” is a house essential. Channel Tres, a rising house producer and rapper, samples “The More I Get, The More I Want,” a soul disco jam by Teddy Pendergrass. In this single from his upcoming album Real Cultural Sh*t, Channel Tres evokes head bops and hip sways. When I saw this song live in Brooklyn this past October, I went craaazy!
“Roll (Burbank Funk)” by The Internet
Oh, The Internet. Through blending genres like jazz, R&B, EDM, and hip-hop, this East Coast band sparked a reemergence of funk. Including rising (and now solo) artists such as Syd and Steve Lacy, The Internet’s use of electric piano and bass guitar is the definition of groovy. They manage to capture a classic, soulful sound in their music that I just can’t get enough of. I especially love the intro to this song. When Steve Lacy enters on his guitar, I die a little.
“Thank You’ by Bonnie Raitt
I can thank Grace Crookenden (a huge supporter of my articles) for this song. Everything about this tune is beautiful—Bonnie Raitt’s incredible vocals, the piano, the flute, the soul of it all. I’ve decided that if this song were tangible, it would be an apple cider donut. Oh—and if you see me belting my heart out behind the wheel, it’s probably to this song.
“Better Than” by Lake Street Dive
Lake Street Dive is just PURE TALENT. Bridget Kearny, the bassist of the group, adds a deep, emotional layer to their music. Additionally, Rachael Price, the lead singer of Lake Street Dive, is nothing short of incredible. Her voice is warm, smooth, spiritual…the adjectives go on. Even Mike Olson’s solo on the trumpet in this song is amazing. Each member of the band adds their own element to the group that makes them unique. When you listen to this song, pick out each instrument and vocal—spend some time focusing on the bass, then the trumpet, then Price’s vocals. Then you can truly understand the pure talent of Lake Street Dive.
“Old Man” by Beck
I will rarely say that anyone is up to par with Neil Young, but Beck might just get the nod. When Neil Young removed his songs from Spotify I was utterly devastated. How was I going to sway to “Harvest Moon,” step tap to “Teach Your Children,” or belt “Old Man”? The process of pulling up YouTube on my computer, searching for the song I wanted, and then listening to it was just too much for me. However, when Beck came out with a cover of one of my favorite Neil Young songs this September, I was finally liberated from the cumbersome process I had to go through before. He incredibly replicates the tenderness and sincerity within this ballad, in addition to adding his own vocals and harmonies. After listening, let me know if you think this cover does Neil justice.
*Dreampop: a subgenre of alternative rock that highlights atmosphere and sonic texture in addition to a strong pop melody.
*Shoegaze: a subgenre of indie and alternative rock that is characterized by unique vocals, guitar distortion, feedback, and overwhelming volume.
Thank you so much for reading my recs. It means a whole lot to me! If you have some recommendations for me or just want to chat about music, please shoot me an email or come up to me at school! I am always happy to talk about what I love. Also, if you want to get even more songs, my spotify is Spfishy.
Other Songs to Check Out:
- “Good Song” by Blur
- “I Must Be In a Good Place Now” by Bobby Charles
- “Pink India” by Stephen Malkmus
- “Glad and Sorry” by Faces
- “Room Temperature” by Faye Webster
- “Maud Gone” by Car Seat Headrest
- “Easy Way Out” by Elliot Smith