Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Foye

Each month, GAP will be interviewing one of our amazing faculty members at GA, starting first with our newest teachers to the school. This December, our faculty spotlight is on Ms. Foye, a math teacher and soccer and basketball coach, new in fall of 2021.

What classes/extracurriculars are you teaching this year?

This year I’m teaching Geometry Accel and Algebra II Regs. I’m also helping coach soccer in the fall and basketball this winter.


What is your favorite part about being a teacher/what drew you to teaching?

I think there is a lot of optimism and hope in teaching/learning so that’s a big part of what drew me to teaching. I also attribute my love for math and interest in math education to a handful of really amazing math teachers and professors so, similar to them, I hope to be able to make math a more accessible and joyful experience for all students. 


What aspect of the subject you teach do you love the most? Which unit/topic do you think is your favorite to cover?

There is a lot of creativity in mathematics and in the way that we think about and solve problems. Math can often be considered pretty boring or people think it’s just about memorizing formulas, but to me one of the best parts of math is the way that it pushes me to think about things in new or different ways. 


What did you do before becoming a teacher at GA?

This past May I graduated from Amherst College in western Massachusetts. Since then I’ve spent the summer catching up with friends and visiting family.


What are you looking forward to most this school year?

I’m definitely looking forward to teaching and coaching, but I’m also super excited to be part of an advisory group and to get to know students outside of just my classes.


Do you have any hobbies or pets? What’s your favorite thing to do when you have some free time?

If I have some free time I usually like to go for a run (a glorified jog, really) or watch any and all reality TV. 


Do you have a favorite song/genre of music or favorite movie/genre of movies?

My favorite song is “Hard Place” by H.E.R. and one of my favorite movies is Steel Magnolias.


What’s a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?

A fun fact is I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars movies, and now I really can’t watch them because it’s my go-to fun fact.


What was your favorite part of high school when you were a student?

My favorite part of high school was that I was able to take art classes all four years. I wasn’t that great at drawing or painting but they were some of my favorite classes anyway! This might also be my advice for students—take a new class or join a new club even if you’re unsure about it. Give yourself the grace to fail sometimes, but keep trying anyway!